You could maybe start hanging out at a fun, friendly church that has a singles group. That could get you knowing people on a fun level and work you into a little bit of a social life. You would find females and males all in the same boat, a chance to work on your social skills first. You could gain some confidence. Everyone has a someone. You just haven't put yourself out there to find them. The more you do it the easier it gets. There are alot of people like you who want the same things you want, go find them girl.
I know thats easier said then done. I really do understand your loneliness. I've been married 25 years and some of those have been the most lonely years of my life, so having a partner doesn't always fix it.
No one will care for you more then you care for yourself. Take charge of you. Learn to be happy with you. Learn to love you for you. Use some kind of a group for practice, then narrow the field. What ever it is make it something you would like to do or already like to do.
Go get em.